Kevin Ian Schmidt

Job Hazard Analysis Form

A Job Safety Analysis form, or sometimes called a Job Hazard Analysis, is a full review of workplace hazards with plans on how to reduce or remove those hazards.

There are 3 steps to conducting a Job Safety Analysis, or JSA, which are as follows:

  • List out the tasks that your team performs on a regular basis.
    This should be more than just reading about the task or watching others perform it. Work with your employees, which means actually perform the task, to draft an exhaustive list of the different tasks that they perform throughout the day.
  • Brainstorm all the common and potential hazards associated with each task.
    Working with your employees again, take each task that had been defined in step 1 and list out all the potential hazards that could be associated with it. This requires again doing the task, and watching employees do the task.
  • Develop a list of recommendations that reduce the risk of each hazard listed in step 2.
    Recommendations can include engineering, administrative and personal protection controls. It’s important to include your team in this process so that they see the value of a JSA, buy into regularly using it, and develop increased recognition of hazards.

Being involved and knowledgeable of the tasks, is important, as sometimes, hazards can be mitigated to the detriment of work, which means employees will not regularly follow the safeguards, which means your employees are no more safe.


Reduction of risk is imperative  to a safe workplace.


To make best use of this form, ensure that you are fully trained on how to conduct a job hazard analysis first, as conducting one without proper knowledge of the process will be ineffective in the long run.

If you need to implement PPE as part of your workplace hazard mitigation plan from your JHA, then check out our informative post of PPE Selection.

View the Job Safety Analysis Form below, then download it below that:

Job Safety Analysis Form



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